Welcome to Active Life Foundation, a Swedish charitable foundation. It was founded as a charity in 1995, following the skiing accident of the alpine skier Thomas Fogdö. The King of Sweden became and remains our patron.

Active Life Foundation’s primary aims are

  • to provide support to injured sportsmen and women so that they can return to a more active life, for example to provide grants for remedial therapy, operations, sports wheelchairs and other support
  • to promote the importance of having the correct category of sports insurance

  • to support medical research into sports injuries

Sportsmen and women at any level who are members of a sports club are eligible to apply.
Active Life Foundation is dependent on publicity in order to raise funds so that the foundation can support its objectives. We are therefore very proud of our association with the Swedish Ski Association and Swedish Alpine Ski team. This, along with other promotional activities around the Swedish Alpine Ski team, aims to raise our profile so that even more people will donate funds in support of Active Life Foundation’s objectives. Active Life Foundation is discussing sponsorship opportunities with companies and organisations to generate further revenues to help the foundation pursue its goals.

Donations & Support

Would you like to send a donation to Active Life Foundation? It would be much appreciated and will help us reach our aims! When donating, please include your name and contact details, in order for us to be able to thank you. Also, if you have a specific purpose for your donation, please advise us at the same time. Active Life Foundation’s management is staffed by volunteers and 100% of the donations received are devoted to supporting our three main aims.

Donations can be sent to Active Life Foundation’s bank account in Sweden:

Active Life Foundation c/o SEB stiftelse förvaltning


IBAN SE: 1050000000058511012060